The Club President runs the Business Meetings; in his or her absence, the Educational Vice President presides over the meetings. The Business meeting frequency and placement in the regular meetings is up to the individual club; some clubs have a Business meeting at every regular meeting; others have it monthly.

The two main sources of information are Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, and the Success/Leadership module Parliamentary Procedure in Action, item 237 in the Toastmaster Catalog. According to the TI (Toastmasters International) Standard Bylaws, Article IX, Robert’s Rules are the final authority for Parliamentary Procedure used in Toastmaster Club Business Meetings. Advance notice of regularly scheduled Business Meetings is not required, but four days’ notice is needed for special Business Meetings.

According to Robert’s Rules, the usual order of business is:
  1. Reading and approval of Minutes
  2. Reports of Officers and Standing Committees
  3. Reports of Special Committees
  4. Special Orders
  5. Unfinished (old) Business and General Orders
  6. New Business
How this is applied at Papago, is:
  1. Reports of Officers, in this order: President, Past President, VPE, VPM, VPPR, Secretary, Treasurer and Sergeant-At-Arms.
  2. Committee Reports
  3. Special Orders: The most common Special Orders are induction of a new member(?), and the installation of the Officers.
  4. Old Business: This is rarely an item; the most common reason for having Old Business is if the Club votes to table a motion because insufficient information is available, or the motion is taking too much time to discuss, and was postponed from the last meeting to this one (called "postpone to a certain time", or "postpone definitely").
  5. New Business

Business Meeting Script

[Tap the gavel once] This Business meeting of Papago Toastmasters Club 2694 is called to order.

Our Invocation and Pledge is given today by XX. [Afterword] Thank you.

Madame Sergeant-At-Arms, please introduce our guests. [Afterword] Thank you.

It is now time for Reports of Officers, beginning with the President. [As each officer gives their report, thank them, and state the next officer whom will be giving his or her report].

It is now time for Special Orders [if applicable].

Is there any new business to come before this club? [Scan the audience slowly with eye contact, seeking anyone wishing to be recognized. If so, then call them by name. If there is none, then say] Hearing none, and without objection [again glance at the room to be sure no one is asking to be recognized], this meeting is adjourned [Tap the gavel once].

Handling Motions Script

Is there any new business to come before this club? [Nancy raises her hand] Nancy?

[Nancy says "I think we should start charging 25 cents for those who drink coffee at the club". Since it is not stated in the form of a motion, ask] Would you like to make a motion? [Nancy then says "I move that we begin charging 25 cents for those who drink the coffee provided at the club meetings."]

[Wait briefly to see if anyone seconds the motion; if not, then say] Is there a second to the motion? [If there is none, then say] Since there is no second, the motion is not before this meeting.
[If there is a second, then say] It is moved and seconded that this Club begin charging 25 cents for those who drink the coffee provided at the club meetings. Is there any discussion? [Give preference to the person making the motion, then allow others in turn to be recognized and discuss the motion].

Are you ready for the question? [Wait a few seconds to be sure everyone has had a chance to speak; if you are uncomfortable with stating it that way, it can also be said, "Is there any further discussion?"]. The question before the Club is that this Club begin charging 25 cents for those who drink the coffee provided at the club meetings. All those in favor of the motion will raise their right hand. [If only a few or near half of the people present raise their hands, count the number of hands. If a large majority is raising their hand, proceed with] Thank you. All those opposed will raise their right hand [if only a few or none raise their hand in opposition, then tap the gavel and say] The motion is adopted. Is there any other business to come before this club?

Helpful Tips:
  1. You can deviate from Robert’s Rules a certain amount with the club’s permission. For example, you don’t have to follow the official order of business as outlined in the book. Also, the general principle is the smaller the assembly, the less rigidly the rules must be followed. Always, follow the basic rules, however.
  2. If the Nominations for new officers is uncontested, have a member make a motion that the Secretary cast a single ballot, rather than going to a formal voting procedure.
  3. Always ask for New Business, even in specially called Business Meetings.
  4. Committee Reports must come after Officer Reports, even if many of the officers are in charge of committees.
  5. The best way to avoid confusion is preparation - anticipate any special or new business items that may come up.

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