An effective tool in learning is the ability to laugh. Your job as jokemaster is to tell a tasteful joke or anecdote to “get the meeting going”. Most likely, speeches on serious topics will follow, and everyone learns better when they are relaxed.

Chronology of the Jokemaster Role:
1) Find out the theme from the Toastmaster, which should be available within a few days of the meeting.

2) Search for a tasteful joke or anecdote that is related to the meeting theme.

3) Bring a printed copy of the joke to the meeting, and be sure to show up on time, as the Jokemaster is one of the first items on the agenda.

4) If there are guests, explain your function, such as by saying: "Humor is an important part of learning, and my job as Jokemaster is to get everyone in a relaxed mood."

5) Deliver your joke slowly, and try to do it without referring to any notes. Immediately after the punch line, wait for the laughter to subside and say "Mr. (or Madam) Toastmaster".

Additional Tips:
- Avoid the three "danger areas" with jokes: Sex, Religion and Politics. Another way to remember this is to avoid the bedroom, bathroom and barroom.
- Please note that a funny story may be substituted for a joke, but the purpose of this junction is to learn to tell jokes in an effective manner.
- Avoid complicated or lengthy jokes. The joke or story should be one minute or less.
- To make a joke more effective, "personalize" it. Include yourself as the main character in the joke. Caution: You may include a fellow club member as a character only if you have permission, or know the person well enough that there is no chance of offense.

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