The Toastmaster of the meeting has the key role, and "runs the show," much like a Master of Ceremonies. Only through proper advance planning can this assignment be carried out effectively. As Toastmaster, your main task is to provide opening comments, introduce the participants, and provide smooth transitions from one part of the program to the next.

Chronology of the Toastmaster Role: One week prior to the meeting, send out an e-mail to the entire club, with the following as a model:

Hello fellow Toastmasters! The functionaries for our next meeting are:
Toastmaster: Me
Table Topicmaster: Invader Zim
Invocation/Pledge: Apophis
Jokemaster: Itchy
General Evaluator: Scratchy
Speaker 1: Homestarrunner
Evaluator 1: Pom Pom
Speaker 2: Skipper
Evaluator 2: Gilligan
Speaker 3: Darth
Evaluator 3: Luke
Timer: Thelma
Lexicologist: Louise
Minuteperson: Strong Bad
Parliamentarian (if there is a business meeting)

Please RSVP your attendance by Tuesday at Noon, and find a replacement if you cannot attend. Speakers, I need an introduction and the speech title, manual number and time. Topicmaster, send me an introduction and the word of the day; the theme next week is Valentine’s Day!

Start developing the agenda. Other than special meetings like speech contests, there are three types of club meetings:
- Those that begin with a business meeting (usually the first meeting of each month)
- Meetings with a table topics session first (the "traditional" way)
- Meetings with the speakers first

Refer to the web site for samples of each kind of meeting. While developing the agenda, be sure to note the approximate time for each event. If you are new to serving as Toastmaster or there are three speakers, consider the agenda with speakers first; that way the meeting can more easily be ended on time.

On Monday afternoon the week of the meeting, send out a reminder to those who have not yet responded to your e-mail. Send your introduction to the Topicmaster (and the President if there is a business meeting)

The day before the meeting, make sure you have these items:
- Your script (see below)
- 25 copies of the final agenda
- Any props you plan to bring in support of the theme. Work with the Topicmaster on this.
- Introductions for the Topicmaster and all speakers
- A copy of your introduction (in case the Topicmaster or President forgets)

The day of the meeting, be sure to show up at least ten minutes early. Distribute copies of the agenda, and check off names of people on the agenda as they arrive. Call on the minuteperson to fill in for any no-shows.

Remember that as the Toastmaster, you set the tone of the meeting. From the opening, display energy and enthusiasm. Introduce your functionaries with a smile, and lead the applause before and after.

You are also responsible for the meeting ending on time. If it is necessary to amend the times for functionaries, give those specific instructions.

TOASTMASTER SCRIPT (Regular Meeting, Table Topics First)

Note: Variations for meetings with visitors are in italics; non speaking activities are in brackets.

[A few minutes prior to starting the meeting, inform the Sergeant-at-Arms that you will begin shortly. At the appointed time, signal the SAA to close the curtain. Go to the lectern and make sure you have a copy of the agenda and the Topicmaster’s introduction with you.]
[Strike the gavel three times firmly on the lectern]

This meeting of Papago Toastmasters club 2694 is now called to order. Please rise for the invocation and pledge, to be given by Apophis.
[Remain at the lectern; when the pledge and inspiration are given, wait a moment for everyone to sit down]
Thank you Apophis.

Our theme today is Valentines. Ah, yes, Valentines, a time that warms the cockles of my heart [insert other interesting lead-ins here]

[If there are any changes] There are some changes to today’s agenda. Strong Bad will be filling in for Luke, and will be evaluating Darth’s speech; Skipper’s speech time will be six minutes instead of seven.

Mr/Madame Sergeant At Arms, do we have any guests this morning? [SAA announces that there is one guest--Skipper has brought Mary Anne to the meeting; lead applause].
Thank you for attending, Mary Anne; we hope you enjoy the meeting.

Our jokemaster this morning is Itchy. Itchy, please bring some levity to the meeting.
[Remain at the lectern while Itchy tells a joke; lead applause].
Thank you, Itchy.

For your benefit, Mary Anne, Table topics is a time when those people not on the formal agenda have a chance to speak without formal preparation (extemporaneously).
Our Topicmaster today is Invader Zim. [Insert Zim’s introduction here; remain at the lectern until the Topicmaster arrives, shake his or her hand, and relinquish control of the meeting to him. Sit down until Table Topics are completed and you are introduced. Return to the lectern and shake the Topicmaster’s hand. If the Topicmaster has forgotten to call for a vote, remind him to do so].
Thank you for that invigorating session of love, Zim. [Insert anecdote here].

We will be taking a five minute break [strike the gavel once on the lectern].

[During the break, finalize any more changes to the agenda. Remove the Topicmaster’s word of the day from the lectern. Take stock of how you are doing on time--if you are ahead of schedule, great! If not, tell the General Evaluator to limit the verbal evaluation times to one minute. Take the first speaker’s introduction and the agenda with you to the lectern; ask the first speaker if he or she has any materials that need to be brought to the lectern. At the end of the break, again strike the gavel three times on the lectern].

Let us continue with the second portion of our meeting. [Insert anecdote here].
Our General Evaluator today is Scratchy. Scratchy, for the benefit of our guests, please explain the purpose of your function and introduce the evaluators. [Wait for the GE to get to the lectern to give control of the meeting over to him or her. If the GE does not approach the lectern, stay there. When finished, the GE will say "Mr. Or Madame Toastmaster"].

Timing is an essential part of a good speech. Our timer today is Thelma. Thelma, for the benefit of our guests, please explain the purpose of your function and give us the timing instructions.
Thank you, Thelma. [Pause] Our first speaker is Homestarrunner. [finish introduction--as before, do not leave the lectern until the speaker arrives at the lectern and shakes your hand. Be sure to take your copy of the agenda and any other papers and sit down.]

[When the speaker finishes, he or she should turn toward you and say "Madame Toastmaster". Shake the speaker’s hand and step behind the lectern]
Thank you, Homestar. Please take one minute to fill out your evaluation forms. Mr/Ms Timer, please give me the green light at the end of one minute.

[Make sure you help the next speaker with any room setup needs, and that you have a copy of his introduction. Wait for the green light from the timer.]

Our second speaker today is...

Our third speaker today is...

Madame Timer, please give us your timer’s report.
[After the report], please vote for the best speaker (or better speaker if there are only two speeches).

Mr. General Evaluator, please lead the evaluation portion of the meeting. [Again, relinquish control to the GE and move away from the lectern if he chooses to stand behind it. At the end of his report, if he forgets to call for the vote for best evaluator, remind him or her to do so.]

And now it is time for the awards portion of our meeting. Invader Zim, please present the best Table Topics Speech award.
Scratchy, please present the best Evaluator award.
And the best (or better) speaker today goes to...Skipper! [Approach winner, hand him the ribbon, and shake his hand].

Madame Lexicologist Louise, please give us your report.

[Acknowledge guests.] Mary Anne, thank you again for visiting us today. Do you have any comments? [Don’t put pressure on visitors to speak].

Are there any announcements? [Scan the room, and if someone raises their hand, say their name. Continue until all announcements are completed].

[Insert final anecdote here]. Thank you all for coming. This meeting is adjourned! [Strike gavel on lectern once firmly].